January 2021 Calendar With Holidays Monthly and Weekly Template
January 2021 Calendar With Holidays
The Month of New Beginnings – January, the month of new beginnings, new dreams, new promises, new resolutions, and a new start over old mistakes and experiences. According to the Roman calendar, January 2021 Calendar With Holidays is considered as the first month of the year that opens the door for the whole year.
January is named after the Roman God Janus, who has two faces and yes January itself has two faces, one that sees the future and one that reflects our past, what we have done in the past? what we have learned from our mistakes, etc. let’s make this month more interesting by digging into the History of January.
History of January 2021 Calendar
You would be startled to know the fact that the original or the first Roman calendar has only 10 months, January and February were not part of it. The Roman calendar begins with the month March as March is the month that marks the beginning of the tropical year due to March Equinox.
In around 713 BCE January and February were added at the last of the year i.e. after December. But in 450 BCE January is moved to first place and February is moved to second place in the month’s list. Now the calendar starts with January and ends in December, Let’s have a look at the Calendar.

Printable January Calendar 2021 With Holidays
The January Calendar 2021
A calendar is a must-have thing nowadays, in our daily lives calendar plays an important role. Whether to remember birthdays, important days, holidays, or festivals. Everybody looks at the calendar to recognize the dates. By dates, I remember some important holidays that fall under January. Here we go.
The Most Important Holidays of January
New Year – Celebrated all over the world. On 31stDecember everybody is waiting for 12AM so that they can welcome the 1 January, the new month of the new year. People wish each-other, celebrate together, and make some resolutions on this day.
Martin Luther King Jr. – MartinLuther King Day is also known as Martin Luther King’s Birthday and Martin Luther King Jr. Day. A federal holiday takes place on the 3 Monday of January. Some Educational Institutions mark this day by teaching about the works of Martin Luther King Jr.
Republic Day of India – India has been declared a fully autonomous identity in the world on the day of 26 January 1959. Indian constitution came into force on this day. On every year’s 26thJanuary. People all over India celebrate this day and a gazetted holiday has always been declared on this day.
Epiphany Day – To maintain the heritage and Culture this day has been celebrated on 6thJanuary by US people. People enjoy this day with different foods, parades, music, bands, and lots of entertainment.
(1) Festivals in India
- New Year, Jan 1
- Republic Day, Jan 26
(2) Festivals in Australia
- NYD foam party, Jan 1
- Torch Fest, Jan 16
(3) Festivals in the UK
- New year, Jan 1
- Burn’s Night, Jan 25
(4) Festivals in the USA
- Backwoods Festival, Jan 4-7
- 70. Tons of Metal Festival, Jan 7-11