Month of July 2019 Calendar For Word, PDF and Excel
July derives its name from the Roman Senate in honor of Julius Caesar who was a Roman General. Earlier it was the fifth month of the year but in 450 BC when January and February were added. July is the second summer month straight after June and is the warmest month in the Northern Hemisphere which is very similar to January in Southern Hemisphere.
Long and hot days of July are also called as “Dog Days of Summer”. July is often termed as Hay month because all the grass dries because of no rain and can be made into Hay. As July is the compassionate month of Love, Passion and Integrity Ruby is made the birthstone of this month as it signifies Love, affection, and Passion.
The flower Water Lily is the symbol of July and Leo and Cancer are the Zodiac signs. There are many other names given to July is different languages such as Chinese calls it as “qiyue” wherein French calls it” juillet”. On the other side, the Latin name of July is “quintilis” and “Julio” is the Spanish version of July.
July also marks some days of great importance in the world’s history. For example, American Independence day is observed on 4 July every year including Belarus, Argentina, and Belgium. France and Canada also observe their National Day in the month of July.
July can also be termed as the sports month as it the prime of Baseball season and is also the great month for baseball enthusiasts. For foodies, July has some special days such as National Hot Dog month wherein you can go to your favourite restaurant to enjoy your Hot Dog after which National Ice Cream day falls for you to gulp some smooth sips. 11 July marks World Population Day which raises a voice against global bomb of population and educates people about its aftermath. See More July 2019 Calendar Printable For Landscape and Vertical Wincalendar
July 2019 Calendar Printable
July 2019 Printable Calendar
Cancer and Leo being the Zodiac signs for the month of July makes people Fun-Loving and always cheerful. They take pride in whatever they do and are always independent in nature but they can be moody and sensitive at times.
July people are super optimistic as they are always at the brighter side of everything and are positive. When it comes to handling emotions they are calm and composed and can very effectively control any harsh situations.
It can be a myth but it is also said about July born that they are taller than others and they grow taller than their counterparts. They write using left hand and are often termed as the most intelligent because science interprets term lefties as the most intelligent people on earth.
These people are also Family people and care too much about their families because it naturally comes from within them. They are very protective and hilarious at the same time but can experience crazy mood swings.
Thus concluding everything about July gives a result that it’s a month of rejoicing, happiness, and prosperity with a little drawback in it and marks a great month for people who love to live their life on their own rules and never give up.