July 2019 Printable Calendar Landscape Layout
Welcome to the new month of July. July is the seventh month in the Gregorian calendar and fifth month in the Roman calendar. It has 31 days. It was named by the Roman Senate in the honour of general Julius Caesar. It is the warmest month in the Northern Hemisphere, it is the second month of the summer and the coldest month in Southern Hemisphere and second month of the winter.
Ruby is the birthstone of July. It is the king of gems and represents health, wisdom and love. It was believed that wearing a good red ruby would bring good luck to its owner. A Ruby is the most precious gem and its value increases based on its colour and quality. One of the different natural jewels from diamond, it is quite durable for daily wear and matches any dark and vivid red colour with any fashionable costume.
July birth flower is Larkspur and Lily water. Larkspurs come in a wide range of vibrant colours, including Indigo, Purple and Pink. Pink Larkspur is a symbol of versatility, while white symbolizes happiness. Generally, Larkspur is a symbol of positivity and love. Water Lily is a unique lotus flower. They are symbols of purity or rebirth.
You can find lily of water floating above the water from May to early September. Each flower lasts only for four days until it gets settled under water, which makes these flowers even more beautiful. The calendar used in most countries now is the Gregorian calendar, This was proposed by way of the Catholic church and introduced by way of Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 and followed by using numerous catholic nations.
Its predecessor was the Julian calendar which had been introduced long back by means of Julius Caesar. July 2019 Printable Calendar formats can easily be used for office purpose, business, universities, and bank. We have come up with these wonderful schedules. You can also see the simplicity and effectiveness.
July 2019 Printable Calendar

A good measure of time has been spent on the structuring of the Daily calendar template. Different communities and countries want different calendars. Here you get all types of the calendar with national and international events. July Calendar 2019 template is available in Google and Microsoft calendar template.
Add your meeting, events, special occasions, assignments on July Calendar 2019. Stay organized with these templates. Calendar plays an important role in our daily life. They help you a lot to organize your life. In this article, you get a printable calendar by month. Use a calendar and make your work life more professional. These calendars are also editable, printable, downloadable in just one click.
World Population Day was established in 1989 by the then governing council of the United Nations Development Program, which was a group of interest generated by the day of five billion, which was celebrated on 11 July 1987.
This is the most important day in the UNFPA calendar, taking this additional significance this year when we mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the UNFPA, as well as the 25th anniversary of the program that came out of an international conference on International Population and Development in 1994. Cairo, who has worked the foundation of UNFPA throughout the world.