Printable August 2019 Calendar Horizontal Pages
August is the eight-month in accordance with the Julian and Gregorian Calendars and has a length of 31 Days. Originally in Latin, it was named as “Sextilis” as it was the sixth month in the ten-month Roman calendar back in 753 BC. Later to honour the Augustus Caesar in 8BCE the name was finally changed to August.
Augustus was the grandnephew of Julius who defeated Marc Antony and Cleopatra and became the great emperor of Rome and the Senate decided that he too should have a name of the month after him. In the same month, Egypt was also brought under the Authority of Roman people and an end was put to the civil wars and for so many aforesaid reasons it was decreed by the Senate that the said month will also be known by the name of Augustus.
August is also known by different names in different languages such as Latin calls it as “Augustus mensis” wherein Anglo-Saxons calls it Weod Monath. August is also considered as the busiest month for the Tourism industry because it falls in the prime school summer holiday period. August being the month of beauty and love has gladiolus and poppy as the birth flower and onyx as the birthstone.
August also have some important observances around the world such as National Wellness month, National Golf and Peace month, National Immunization Awareness month and International Peace month which are all of great significance. Apart from above mentioned days August also has some funny and weird occasions namely National Girlfriends Day, International Beer Day and National Underwear Day.
Printable August 2019 Calendar

This can be a matter of great laugh. Isn’t? The August 2019 Calendar Printable is a simple and easy tool to help us become more productive and maximize the day. The calendar makes your life very easier. The important part is that they are used immensely in your daily life. Track your work activities and mention in the block. Your time is more valuable don’t let them go to waste.
Calendar helps you to prepare anything in advance. It can make your time more effective and presentable. When you are doing work and want to make a schedule you can keep a track of your schedule. Using an online calendar allows you to make your life easier and reduce your workload. Here you get excellent work August 2019 Calendar Printable template.
It plays a significant role to remember things, It makes your work easier. It is absolutely free. Calendar available in various format and layout. Visit our site and get a useful template. Assumption of Marry is a feast, Every year that is celebrated on August 15. This festival remembers Mary’s death and her belief in heaven.
Because it remembers this sacred occasion – which is seen by many as Mary’s Divine Birthday – it is not only a holy day, it is also one of the most important Māran festivals. This festival day allows participants to reflect the divine nature of the Virgin Mary and acts as a reminder that there is a place in heaven for God’s true loyalist.