May Calendar 2020 Free Printable
May Calendar 2020
Have you ever thought, how life will run without the calendar? If all the calendar will disappear from our life. Don’t you think we will be clueless and helpless? All over the world, people use this tool in their daily life. Julius Ceaser has invented a calendar in 45 B.C.E. As the Julian calendar had some faults. Finally, some changes were made in this calendar and named as the Gregorian calendar which is used all over the world.
With the help of Printable Calendar 2020, you can plan your daily work activities. Plus point is, you will keep a track of events and will always staying organized with the calendar and enhancing productivity. You will be able to note down all the important dates, meeting dates, work deadlines, and many important things. You will be able to complete all the work on time.
In the past, people were using calendar only to check dates and to add the important dates. But now in the 21st century, there are changes in the facts. Nowadays people use the calendar app at any place and time wherever we want. The customize option is also available according to the need you can change this. If you follow the calendar you can change your life. Use these tools on multiple devices and arrange the meeting and appointments. Properly use the time and relax your life.
Welcome to the Fifth month of the year. It has 31 days. May month was taken from the Greek Goddess Maia. She is the goddess of richness. This is the last month of the spring season. May month have called by a different name in different languages – In Danish called Maj, In French called the Mai, In Spanish called the Mayo. May month have a historical name – In Roman this is popular as Maius, In Saxon, this is called the Thrimilci and in German called the Wonne-mind.

2020 May Calendar
May month has two zodiac signs – Taurus and Gemini. May 1st to 20 is a member of Taurus. Taurus greatest overall compatibility is Scorpio and cancer. Lucky Color is Green and Pink. Lucky Number is 2,6,9,12,24.Taurus strength is patient, practical and stable personality. They like cooking, music, high-quality clothes and gardening. weakness is Stubborn and possessive.
People born from the May 21st to 31st are the member of Gemini. Gemini’s greatest overall compatibility is Sagittarius and Aquarius. Lucky colour is – Light Green and Yellow. Lucky Numbers is -5,7,14,23. Gemini likes music, books, magazines, chats and short trips. Gemini’s strength is they are gentle, affectionate, curious, adaptable personality.
Mother’s Day – Mother’s day is a very private role but they only understand the children. Mothers play a very important role to build a child. They teach us many things. She is the first and powerful teacher. On the second Sunday of May, the beautiful holiday is celebrated. many countries are celebrated the mothers day on this day. Children celebrate the day with own style. They plan a trip for the mother, Preparing food, cut the cake, greeting cards, gifts, flowers and spend the time with their mother.