Printable September 2019 Calendar Editable Design
Printable September 2019 Calendar
September is the ninth month of the year according to the Gregorian and Julian calendars. September is the only month, the number of letters in its name is equal to the same month: this is the ninth month and has nine letters in it. The Anglo – Saxons called September as a Barley Month or Harvest month. In this month celebrated the Barley Harvest.
Sapphire is September’s Birthstone. Sapphire is a type of corundum, which is the second most hard mineral. Generally, in light blue, they are mainly found in placer deposits. Many people immediately imagine an amazingly violet-blue gem when listening to sapphire because the word “sapphire” is Greek for blue colour.
Since ancient times, Blue Sapphire represented a promise of honesty, loyalty, purity and faith. To maintain this tradition, Sapphire is the most popular engagement gem today. Sapphire gem is found in many places. The gem found in Myanmar, Kashmir, Srilanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, Brazil and North America.
The name “sapphire” is taken from the Latin Sapphirus and the meaning is “blue stone”. Some people believe that it was derived from the Sanskrit word sanipriya which means “dear to Saturn.”The pure gem is very high in price. They are not only blue, but they come also in many other colours like pink, yellow, peach, orange and violet colours.
What is the purpose of the calendar? This question really comes in the minds of every people these days. We all have different types of the calendar at home which includes wall calendar and also have calendars on our phone. We don’t see the calendar at all. But the calendar has many benefits if we use in our daily life.we can make daily or monthly to do with the help of Calendars.
Printable Sep 2019 Calendar
Most calendars have a separate section for such lists. Use the September 2019 Printable calendar as a simple tool. Look at the dates, find holidays. Make it a place to set a reminder. It’s very mainstream but super effective. When you get a job, go to your calendar and input the work into that calendar. You will see the difference in yourself. Usually, we use the calendar in our phones are Android and iOS-Based applications.
There are many features like making notes, reminder and even “make an event” option which creates the birthday and anniversary. International Literacy Day is an annual holiday. It is celebrated on September 8th. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness of the world about literacy issues faced by people across the world and support those campaigns which help to increase literacy for all people.
It was originally founded by UNESCO – 1965 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Each year UNESCO releases a theme for the International Literacy Day celebration. For example, in 2011, the theme was “Literacy and Peace”, in 2013, the theme was “Literacy for the 21st Century” and in 2015, the theme was “Literacy and Sustainable Society”.
UNESCO and its partners use these topics to expose programs that they use to deal with various issues of literacy in this and its partner world. As a result of some of these programs, media attention is often given about issues of literacy. Especially on the Internet, where hashtag #literacyday is trending over the past few years.